Friday, April 24, 2009

Did you vote? How was your voting experience?

I just voted two days ago, all I can say is that if felt different from previous experiences. This one was very exciting taking into account the turmoil in South African politics. I voted at Rhodes University, there were long queues before the station was officially opened in the morning until the late evening. Everyone seemed to be excited, making jokes whether you are showering or can Cope spending hours in long queues without showering. I used to vote just for the sake of voting but this time around it was different because I am definitely sure that my vote is for the better and it does matter. What I have noticed though is that "your vote is your secret" is no longer a slogan, people are not afraid of saying it bluntly who they are voting for. It is always a different story though when it's you and your paper behind the table. Well, who is leading the country this time?
What can we expect from the new government that is different from what we are used to already?